A campus tour provides many insights to help students envision themselves as potential attendees. Experiencing student culture, campus layout, classroom sizes, and even the campus cuisine are all important factors in their ultimate decisions. But one additional factor is often overlooked: the community in which the school is located. Explore Colleges gives you the opportunity to incorporate visits to local landmarks and to engage in fun educational activities during your planned campus visits. Why is this important? Not only will your students learn about important people and events in the area’s history, but they’ll get a taste of the local environment and culture – which may be where they spend many years during and after college.
During your tour, we give your students the opportunity to peek beyond the “college bubble” and to explore what the surrounding city or town has to offer.
We make this easy and enjoyable by providing information and arrangements for special events and outings that can include:
Botanical gardens
Historical and art museum
Famous landmarks and monuments
Amusement parks (with educational opportunities at the park facilities)
Theater performances
Nature Hikes
Community Service Projects:
Service at homeless shelters
Roadside recycling programs