College to High School Peer Mentoring

The transition from high school to college, and the journey required to reach that point in the first place, present real challenges for young people. Students with strong support systems at home often gain an advantage simply by having easy access to the experience of someone who’s been there before. Not every student has that opportunity and some who do will not necessarily respond to the guidance of an adult.

Mentoring by college students offers an opportunity to reach high school students who may not have the same resources as their classmates and to create valuable peer-to-peer connections.

The Benefits of College to High School Peer Mentoring

You don’t have to look far to find personal, passionate testimonials about the benefits of college to high school mentoring and the statistics tell the same story. One study from the National Mentoring Partnership indicates that students who face an opportunity gap are 55 percent more likely to enroll in college if they have a mentor.

  • The college application process is daunting, even for students with robust support. Mentoring can make all the difference in following through.
  • The transition from high school to college is also challenging from a social perspective. A student will often be more receptive to social insights from a college-based mentor than they would be from an older authority figure.
  • Mentoring is also an important motivational tool for avoiding negative habits. A study from Big Brothers Big Sisters shows that students with a mentor are 52 percent less likely to skip school, and 46 percent less likely to start using illegal drugs.

Sounds like a solid plan, right? You might be wondering, though, where all of these great mentors are coming from, and how to start a program of your own. That’s where we come in! We’ll show you how to create and maintain a mentor program for your Gear Up students, at no cost to your grant.

  • Mentoring benefits the mentor, too. Learn where you need to look for driven, motivated mentors, and how to recruit them to your program.
  • Structure is important, as most mentors will also be quite busy with their college coursework and social life. We’ve got tips to improve efficiency and make the most of your mentors’ time.
  • Finding quality mentors is a great start, but you’ll also need to match them effectively with your high school students. We’ll show you what goes into the match-making process, and how to get it right.
  • Eventually, college-based mentors will move on to their professional lives, so you’ll need to keep recruiting going strong to maintain your program over time. Learn the latest marketing techniques and make it easier to reach college students who are ready to lend a helping hand.

While your College to High School Peer Mentoring will require time and effort, it should also be cost-effective. That’s why it’s important for us to offer tips that won’t have any cost to your grant. There are many young people who wish to help their peers navigate the complexities of college, and we’ll help you find the ones who fit best in your program.”

Kathie Boozer is the founder and president of Explore Colleges, a premier college group tour operator. Explore Colleges’ customized tours  help students experience the unique cultures, environments, and opportunities on each campus and inspire them to follow their dreams. Contact Kathie at