Rigor in High School Courses Sets Up College Successes

You don’t need to read this blog to know that a high school diploma requires a certain number of completed courses for credit, a figure that varies across the country.

That makes sense, of course.  There has to be some sort of minimum bar that all students meet in order to receive their high school diploma.

But not only is taking the right number of courses important, but taking the right kind of courses is critical to student readiness for college.

In general, the right kind of courses to set your students up for college success are those which offer the greatest rigor, both in the content of what is studied and in the manner in which the course is taught.  The very best high school courses:

  • Are filled with college-oriented content;
  • Are presented by qualified and experienced teachers;
  • Are offered in a teaching style that is flexible and responsive to students; and
  • Are always in a context that provides extra student support when needed.

The components of these courses are also very important and should be shared with students and parents in a comprehensive and well-organized course syllabus.  Such a syllabus should contain:

  • A course description or overview with clearly states goals and purposes;
  • An outline with topics and themes of study, including a clear calendar with reading/writing or other work requirements;
  • required course materials such as textbooks or mathematical tools;
  • An easy-to-follow description of class policies, dealing with issues such as attendance requirements, homework and classroom rules/expectations;
  • A grading policy primer, with information on how grades will be determined, how work will be assessed, etc.;
  • Where applicable, more extensive course procedures should be explained, especially for courses that require lab work or team projects;
  • A personal statement from the instructor on what he or she is hoping to accomplish and what his or her expectations are for the students; and
  • Additional relevant information such as school-related work opportunities and extra help options.

Take a look at the courses offered in your high school and ask: Do they set the students I counsel up for college success?

Kathie Boozer is the founder and president of Explore Colleges, a premier college group tour operator. Explore Colleges’ customized tours  help students experience the unique cultures, environments, and opportunities on each campus and inspire them to follow their dreams. Contact Kathie at kboozer@explorecolleges.org